torsdag, januari 12, 2006


Läste en annan blogg och blev påmind om tv-serien Ed.
Kanske inte just nu, men för en vecka sedan var mitt liv skrivet av samma manusförfattare som skrivit dialogen till Ed och Carol.

Carol Vessey: My one chance at something vaguely resembling happiness, and you destroyed it.
Ed Stevens: What?
Carol Vessey: You ruined my wedding, and... and you made me lose Dennis.
Ed Stevens: How could I have ruined your wedding? I wasn't even there.
Carol Vessey: Of course you were there. You're always there. Because no matter what I try to do Ed Stevens is always there.
Ed Stevens: I... I don't know... I don't know what you're so upset about.
Carol Vessey: Ed, do you want to know why Dennis walked out of the wedding?
Ed Stevens: Why?
Carol Vessey: I'll tell you why. I'll... I'll tell you why! Because he thought I was looking around the church for you. He thought I was looking for Ed Stevens.
Ed Stevens: Were you?
Carol Vessey: Yeah. Yeah, I was.
Ed Stevens: Why Carol?
Carol Vessey: Because you never stop. It's been this way ever since you came back to Stuckeyville. You didn't even know me. Ed, you did not even know me, and yet you made it your life's work to just, to wear me down. It's like, it's like you crawled into my skull, and you found a nice, comfy little place to rest, and you refuse to leave. No matter what I said, no matter what I did, you just never stopped coming after me. You, you just never stopped!
Ed Stevens: You never wanted me to stop! And you wanted me to stop. It's true Carol. I did all these things. I dressed up as a knight. I sang. I danced. I threw waffles at your bedroom window. I hired a skywriter. I got up on a horse named Crazy Jimmy, and you loved it. You loved it. And you hated it. Because you didn't think you deserved it. And you know what Carol? You were right. What, what are you doing?
Carol Vessey: I don't know. I don't know.
Ed Stevens: Carol, look at me. I'm dying. I gotta get off this ride.

I gotta get off this ride.

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